
Monday, February 27, 2017

10 Odd Ways to Earn/Save Easy Money for College

10 Odd Ways to Earn/Save Easy Money for College

     So we've all been in a situation where money is tight. Where budgeting is a problem and/or the payments are too high, such as college tuition. Plus, if you don't have a lot of money, and the part-time job doesn't pay the bills, and you're desperate, but not desperate enough to sell your innocence, there are still some methods to save you money and even earn some in college. Also, I would like to point out that this information is strictly for people in desperate need and that some of these methods can be applied to real life but I don't recommend them to people who are well off in terms of wealth because it's time-consuming and unfair to other people who really need the resources. Therefore, use your morals and common sense. Nonetheless, let's get on with the examples.

  1. The first money saving aspect that I would like to recommend is couponing because it can not only help save on groceries but other products as well. If you know exactly what you need to buy for the week and a coupon book in hand it, it's easy to clip them and if you don't clip coupons excessively then you won't have unused and expired coupons. Just clip what you need. Plus, I've heard that some people go to paper recycling centers and dig through a dumpster of papers there, but I don't condone such practice.
  2. Donate blood and genetic material. If you're not afraid of needles and need extra income, then donating plasma (a.k.a. blood) will be a great opportunity for you. The donations at certain clinics pay their patients 30-50 dollars and that adds up to 3,600$-6,000$ if you go 10 times a month, which is the recommended maximum of trips. Not including sick days. Plus, if you are male you can donate your sperm to a bank for around 50 dollars and the maximum times that you would be allowed to donate sperm is three times a month at most. That's 12,000 dollars at most and 7,200 at least if you're a guy, but there's also an option for females to donate their eggs for 8,000-10,000 if you're willing to undergo the risks.
  3. The next way for hungry college students save money is to eat at the soup kitchen. Hey, if you're in thousands of dollars in debt, then why not partake in what the community has to offer. When I volunteered at the soup kitchen, I was appalled at how much food goes to waste even in the soup kitchen. There was almost always some food left over for the farmers of the area to come in and grab what's left. Therefore, why not feed some students that will further the economy in the future and most likely return the favor to the soup kitchen in the future? 
  4. Another way to save money is to be included in church events. You don't even have to be Christian to partake in those events but you must be aware that partaking in those events does take away from the community. However, if you're the community that needs help then go ask for it.
  5. Plus, if you have to eat at school because it's required for first-year students then bring a plastic bag with you to the school buffet if it's offered at your school. Then proceed to get as much cereal as you can and then bail.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

8 Ideas for My Dream Funeral

8 Ideas for My Dream Funeral

     I know that I'm a youngin, somewhat 18ish, I have fantasies of my most important moments such as my wed... funeral! Doesn't everybody fantasize about their funeral? No? Really? Well, why not? I mean, birthdays and holidays are great but they're very predictable and happen all the time, and weddings can happen once but most people have more than one anyways. However, funerals, funerals are special because they only happen once. They commemorate the dead, the life that no longer exists, and it only happens once in a lifetime. It's a special occasion so why not make it the best celebration? Why not let your loved ones remember you for the creative and fun being you were when living? Nobody remembers weddings anyways, but funerals should memorable because they're the reflection of the deceased. That's why I made 8 ideas for my dream funeral:

  1. The first thing that I want at my funeral is for every guy to wear a neon blue dress; yes, every guy. And, I don't mean a ballgown. No, I want guys to wear full on cocktail dresses with sparkles and maybe some flashing LED led lights. However, stilettos are optional. I don't really want guys tripping at my funeral.
  2. The second thing that really has to be at my funeral is the
    HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA and "Another One Bites The Dust" to be played by a hologram of Morgan Freeman (since he's probably going to be dead by then (;^;)). To set up the atmosphere for what comes next.
  3. I want my uncompleted bucket list to be completed on my funeral day, which includes skydiving in Machu Picchu, moose watching, riding a mechanical bull, and more, or everything that I own will go to my dog. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

7 Reasons Why College is Not Worth It

7 Reasons Why College is Not Worth It

     Now, we've all been informed that life works in a linear way, that we all start out as children, grow up a little bit, and go to school. After school, we're all expected to go to college, attend a job, get married, and start a family. However, is college even necessary? Some people attend college for the sole reason of just attending, some are pressured by family, friends, and society, but is it really the only route to take? Absolutely not, so here's where I'll tell you some reasons why college is not for you:

  1. If you're going for a major that you know you're not going to love, then college is not worth it. When a typical student spends tens of thousands of dollars on education and then ends up not using their degree, then what was the point of college? Is it not it a bit wasteful? I've worked in the restaurant industry for five years now and I can attest that many of the people that work in the restaurant industry have degrees. However, they're no longer using their degrees because they decided they either don't like their major, or they can't find a job, or they earn more money serving people. It makes no sense to spend money and time on a degree that won't even be used. 
  2. Now, this is an obvious one, but college is extraordinarily expensive. Sometimes people decide to go to a prestigious or a private school in order to earn their degree, but they end up in debt. 100,000 dollars is a lot to spend on a degree that won't be repaid in a short time or used in a job setting. Of course scholarships and grants help the student pay for this debt, but not every student earns scholarships, and if they do then the scholarship rarely covers the full cost of the course. By going to a community college for a year or two is a better alternative that will save money and allow the student to explore courses that are interesting to them with little or no financial consequences.
  3. Another reason why college might not be for you is if your parents are making you do it, or anyone for that matter, your friends, your coworkers, etc. If it's not your choice to go to college then why go through all of the trouble of earning a degree that you might end up hating? Won't it be easier to start off with a job and figure out your interests as you go? There's an option such as a gap year that could potentially help you because it can offer a new viewpoint on how the real world works.
  4. Now this one annoys me a little bit. Let's say that the only reason for why you'd like to go to college is because you're only interested in the fantasized version of college. You know what I'm talking about, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and attending college parties because you're finally on your own, away from your parents. There's an easier and less expensive way to do all of that and it doesn't involve spending copious amount of hard earned (possibly your parent's) money.

Friday, February 17, 2017

9 Salty Reasons Why Prom is "Fun"

9 Salty Reasons Why Prom is "Fun"

     If financially you can attend the prom, here's nine reasons to why prom is fun to attend. Now, I know that I personally don't want to go to prom for the second time, but maybe I'm just salty about the price because there are some things that make prom fun to go to. Here are some of my reasons why prom is fun.

  1. You feel like a princess when you're dressed in a hundred dollar ball gown, with matching heels. The way that the hem gracefully hugs and follows your body makes you feel like a goddess. The hair piece, the hair that took you forever to make, the makeup that emphasizes your cheekbones and jaw, all of those pieces come together to form the perfect you. However, if you over do it, be warned that the makeup will make you look like a scarecrow (honestly, I didn't know what to compare the look too, I think the word "scarecrow" sends the closest term I can think of).
  2. Your feet might hurt and blister at the end of the night, but it will be worth it because your feet will look on fleek.
  3. The date that asked you out by a PROMposal (I swear, last prom joke), will be standing at your doorstep. You two will patiently proceed to wait for her mother to take 100 photos of you two, which will last forever in her scrapbook, in order to embarrass you both in the future. 
  4. When you finally arrive at the restaurant before the prom, be prepared to have actual fun and actual conversations because you won't be able to talk over the loud rap music at the venue. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

7 Best Reasons Why Prom is Not Worth It

7 Best Reasons Why Prom is Not Worth It

     So last year I've attended my junior prom, and guess what, it completely sucked. Not only was there a cringy scene on the dance floor but there was nothing else to do but to dance and take photos in a photo kiosk (I don't know how to describe it and it's not exactly a photo booth). It made me want to never again attend prom for as long as I live. That's why I've compiled 7 reasons for why prom is not worth going to.

  1. When people say that you don't need someone to go with you to prom to have a good time, they're lying. When almost everyone starts to partner up with their dates and you don't have a date, you will be stranded by yourself in the middle of everyone. Wanting, hoping that someone else is in the same position as you but you will shortly notice that most of them have sat down and started playing with their phones. 
  2. Prom is expensive. If you're not ready to shell out at "LEAST" 150 dollars for one single night, be prepared to break open your piggy bank because you're going to lose a lot of money. Not only do dresses cost 90-500 dollars (some cheaper options include discounted dresses and goodwill) but you also have to buy shoes. Plus, hair decorations and haircuts, dress alternations and such. Additionally, if you're a guy, you don't only have to buy or rent a suit but you also have to buy expensive shoes to match your outfit. You can also rent a limo, but that will cost you 150 dollars including gas and tip unless you ride with more people; but let's say that you asked your parents to drop you off or someone is paying for you, the tickets still cost anywhere from 75 dollars to a 100 dollars. And don't get me started with the dinner before prom or the after party after prom. 

10 Great Things They Don't Tell You About IB

10 Great Things They Don't Tell You About IB

     When I first started out IB I was given an array of information about how wonderful the IB world is, then I created a blog on what the IB promoters don't tell you about it that you (future/current IB student/parent) might want to know, which was a very pessimistic blog, and now I'll discuss, in a more optimistic tone, the many blessings that the IB world provides to a student. Plus, I believe that I'm qualified to write about this because I am a current student who's about to graduate in a few months. And so, I was thinking of sharing my take on the positive aspects of the IB world. Here it goes.

  1. The first thing that you will definitely notice in your first month of IB is that there are a lot of friendly people in the program. Some of them you'll share very sentimental memories with each other, with others you'll probably debate whether global warming exists with others you'll probably share how you're very tired. Nevertheless, in the future, you will probably still be close friends with the people that you're around with because everyone brings a unique quirk to them and everyone accepts each other. 
  2. Secondly, you won't do repetitive projects. If you like novelty and a constant change of pace, consider undertaking the IB. The projects range from social experiments in Psychology to songs/raps about Spanish, to Cold War games in History Class. If learning creatively is your thing then you'll enjoy IB.
  3. The IB teachers are arguably the best teachers that are available in your state. Not only are they the most qualified but they're also very passionate about teaching.
  4. CAS- Creativity, Action, and Service is the best thing because you get to do nothing for one block every other day. However, you do have to participate in activities for 150 hours and write reflections but when you're done you can just use that time to catch up some sleep or catch up on homework.
  5. There's a month at the end of the Senior year where everyone does nothing because the exams end early.

10 Worst Things They Don’t Tell You About IB

10 Worst Things They Don’t Tell You About IB

     As an IB student you learn to either love or hate the IB program, I learned to dislike it. Hate is such a strong word. You see there’re some things that people won’t tell you about the IB; they masquerade it as a holy grail, accessible to the few, but they (the people who convince you to join IB) won’t tell you the dark side of IB. Here’s where I come in and tell you the truth.

  1. The first thing that I’d like to mention about the IB Program is that there’s a preconceived notion that IB gives you credit for college. Now, this is true, but not entirely. Yes, you can earn those college level courses if you pass the IB exams, just like AP, but it’s not going to give you enough credit for a two-year college level advancement. You’re going to take exams that are going to be harder than the AP exams for the same course. Plus, guess what, only 3-4 of those courses would be transferable. So.. Choose your poison wisely.
  2. Secondly, if you like to sleep, don’t join the IB. The reason for why people lose sleep is due to poor time management. Not only do students poorly manage their time but teachers don’t know how to manage their time either. Almost all teachers manage to not post work for two weeks and then assign work at the end of the third week. This would continue until you’re exhausted from 2-3 all nighters within a given week.
  3. People don’t usually know how to manage IB. For example, if your IB school is fairly new and/ or your school just fired a new staff. Be ready for some turbulence not only in your grades but also your sleep cycle. This is probably the worst possibility to have when attending an IB school, and I can attest because I’m experiencing it right now. Therefore, be warned.
  4. You won’t feel smart. After months and months of sleep deprivation and chronic stress, your brain will end up feeling mindless and dumb. Of course, the first few months of the MYP (Middle Year Program) you feel really intelligent but wait until Sophomore year and/or DP (Diploma Program), your mind will feel groggy and tired from sleep deprivation. Plus, there will be some people who would actually be beaming in the morning on the day of the exams, all tidily dressed, with no eye bags and a coffee cup in their hands. They will pass the test no problem with great grades. Those are the non-human population, if you’re to like them, you will not enjoy IB. 
  5. Guess what will happen to all of those holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas/New Years, Spring Break, your birthday. You won’t be able to participate because you’re too busy finishing up an IA.